Putting the Pieces Together: Intersectionality in HIV Care

This required training will introduce the concept of intersectionality and discuss the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, specifically those living with HIV/AIDS. The impact of intersectionality and Social Determinants of Health on health outcomes will be addressed, followed by analysis of a case study in small breakout groups.

Empowering Black Women: Breaking Barriers with PrEP Across the Lifespan

Transgender and gender-diverse people seek preventive health care and health screenings less often than do other people due to a variety of factors including lack of insurance coverage, being refused care, difficulty finding a health care provider with expertise in transgender care or fear of discrimination in a health care setting. This webinar will address the need for accurate comprehensive data on transgender health, as well as how to provide specialized, culturally competent care to transgender individuals in a non-stigmatizing environment.


Jasmine Ford LPN, BA, HIV Care Services Clinical Coordinator, VDH

Earline Budd, Non Medical Case Management Specialist, HIPS


Sherri Meeks, Whitman-Walker

Tyree Williams, Brothers of Bonds

Kaniya Walker, Heart to Hand

Achim Howard, Trans Men Rising

Kym Gordon, Damien Ministries

The Trans Experience: Pride in Our Health

Transgender and gender-diverse people seek preventive health care and health screenings less often than do other people due to a variety of factors including lack of insurance coverage, being refused care, difficulty finding a health care provider with expertise in transgender care or fear of discrimination in a health care setting. This webinar, presented at the HAHSTA Ryan White Case Management Operating Committee Quarterly Training, will address the need for accurate comprehensive data on transgender health, as well as how to provide specialized, culturally competent care to transgender individuals in a non-stigmatizing environment.