Case Management Operating Committee (CMOC)
The CMOC Mission
The Case Management Operating Committee is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people infected/affected with HIV/AIDS by promoting self-sufficiency and wellness. We are committed to advocating on behalf of the HIV/AIDS community for comprehensive, client-centered services and increased resources. The Case Management Operating Committee promotes high quality, culturally sensitive case management services by empowering and supporting case managers through education, training, and networking.
CMOC Executive Leadership Committee
CMOC is led by two Co-Chairs, a Quality Assurance Chair, and a HAHSTA Liaison.
Co-Chairs: Courtney Parson and Karen Guillory
Quality Assurance Chair: Anita Jackson
HAHSTA Liaison: T’Wana Holmes
Upcoming CMOC Meetings
Case Management Operating Committee: DC Eligible Metropolitan Area Guiding Principles
Article I. Mission Statement
The purpose of the Case Management Operating Committee (CMOC) is to enhance the quality-of-life of people infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS, by promoting self- sufficiency and wellness. The CMOC committed to advocating on behalf of the HIV/AIDS community for comprehensive patient-centered services and increased resources. The CMOC promotes high quality culturally sensitive services by empowering and supporting case managers through education, training, and networking to improve service delivery.
Article II. Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive Leadership Committee (ELC) of CMOC
The CMOC ELC work in partnership with HAHSTA and the logistical support contractor. The ELC will create and plan trainings that enhance case manager skills and abilities as well as attend HAHSTA required trainings. The ELC will share resources, information, and make announcements to aid in the collaboration and support of case managers. Lastly, the ELC will review the Guiding Principles annually, and make revisions if warranted. Revisions made will be presented the general body of CMOC.
The composition of CMOC is as follows:
A. CMOC Co-chairs (2)
- Support new case managers and welcome them to the group.
- Prepare agenda, moderate meetings, and invite subject matter experts topresent on topic suggestions received from the CMOC Feedback form.
- Direct the committee in maintaining focus on what needs to be done andkeep discussions on track.
- Encourage, guide and mediate discussions to come up with solutions.
- Coordinate required quarterly trainings with HAHSTA.
- Maintain accountability when following up with issues presented, ordiscussed, inform the committee of actions taken and outcomes.
- Communicate and follow up with CMOC subcommittees to ensure the flowand progress of committee assignments.
- Close the meeting and provide information about the next meeting (time,location and if in person or virtual).
- Facilitate the announcement of new agency resources, special events orupcoming meetings and/or trainings (could be delegated to other ELC members).
B. CMOC Secretary
- Attend all meetings.
- Take notes and prepare minutes for next business meeting by the secondThursday of the month. Present previous meeting minutes for review and approval by the CMOCbody on the third Thursday of the month.
- Advertise meetings by sending emails, announcements, and reminders.
- Remind committee members of resources, as needed.
- Maintain an updated record of committee membership (with assistance fromthe HAHSTA Liaison) quarterly.
C. HAHSTA Liaison
- Works directly in partnership with the ELC providing direct support to facilitate the work of the committee.
- Works with CMOC Co-Chairs to establish presenters and venues or platforms for quarterly trainings.
- Maintain an updated record of committee’s membership (if virtual via the chat or in-person with a sign-in sheet).
- Maintain a record of attendance at business meetings and required trainings.
- Advertise meetings by sending email announcements and reminders.
- Remind committee members of resources.
D. Quality Assurance (Q/A) Co-Chairs (2)
- Meet monthly with an established agenda according to the needs of the upcoming business meeting or training topics.
- Fully participate in committee by attending all meetings and required HAHSTA trainings.
- Develop and coordinate projects assigned by CMOC.
- Communicate and follow up with CMOC, to provide an update on theprogress of business meeting or training topics.
- Conclude projects in a timely fashion and evaluate outcomes.
- Conclude the trainings with Self-Care closing remarks.
- Encourage attendees to complete the evaluation/survey provided by thelogistical support contractor for CMOC business meetings and trainings.
E. Media Chair
- Develop, implement, and maintain all strategic social media communications, public relations, outreach and event activities for CMOC (FB, etc.).
- Collaborate with the HAHSTA Liaison and the logistical to maintain and update the content on the CMOC website.
- Promote and advertise events for the Ryan White network.
- Staying abreast of the current social media trends to increase visibility andreputability of CMOC.
- Capture pictures of trainings and special events.
- Create content to help recruit new members.
- Work closely with the ELC to update social media platforms.
F. Logistical Support
- The logistical support contractor provides administrative support to include virtual access and/or venues, registration and recommendations of presenters for best practice trainings.
Article III. Voting or Election of Officers
CMOC members who serve the DC EMA residents and are funded by HAHSTA have one vote and may vote on any matter submitted. All voting members have equal voting rights. Proxy voting or ballots for absentees are not allowed.
- All ELC must be voting eligible members.
- Officers shall be elected democratically by written or emailed vote.
- Candidate for ELC positions must be present at election meeting.
- Officers shall receive 51% of the votes from voting members in attendance at themeeting in where a quorum is established.
- In order to be elected as an officer, the member must officially accept the nominationand inform the HAHSTA liaison by email or written acceptance.
- Officers shall serve a term of two years, except in extenuating circumstances.
- An officer may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of the eligible voting members.
- A vacancy in any office, due to resignation or termination, should be filled within 60days, for the remaining term until a new election is scheduled.
- In preparation for the transition of CMOC officers, biannually in January there will be open nominations at the quarterly training in July. Nominations will be accepted until the quarterly training in October (or until 10/31) in preparation for the election in November.
Article IV. Membership
- CMOC participating agencies who are funded by HAHSTA to provide case management within the DC EMA, will make up the majority of the committee membership who are eligible to vote and/or hold office.
- Termination of membership happens when a member no longer follows the rules of conduct, being disruptive or exhibiting behavior not conducive to healthy engagement with colleagues and/or facilitators.
- CMOC membership can be withdrawn or terminated only if members are no longer with a participating agency funded by HAHSTA.
Article V. DC Health/HAHSTA Required Trainings and Business Meetings
- Required Trainings
- HAHSTA has four quarterly required Ryan White comprehensive case management trainings and all CMOC members must attend.
- A total number of 16 hours of training are required of all Ryan White funded Medical and Non-Medical Case Managers annually.
- The Logistical contractor will provide certificates of attendance, as well as approved Continuing Education Units when approved.
- Business Meetings
- Agencies that serve the DC EMA residents and receive Ryan White fundingfrom HAHSTA are encouraged to participate in the six (6) business meetings. Agency participation will be recorded and reported by the logistical contractor to the HAHSTA Liaison.
- The ELC will decide on date, time, and venue (virtual, in-person or hybrid) where meetings are held.
- The ELC and Subcommittee participation are strongly encouraged.
- Breaks/Cancellation – There are two breaks within the calendar year –August (vacation) and December. However, the ELC will meet in Decemberto plan for the upcoming year.
Note that at times of conflict, intentional interruptions will not be tolerated in the CMOC meetings or trainings. If necessary, individuals or group may be removed from the virtual space or venue.
Article VI. Proposed Revisions
- Guiding Principles may be amended at any CMOC meeting.
- Proposed revisions should be submitted in writing to the CMOC Co-Chairs to bepresented at the following CMOC business meeting.
- A copy of all proposed revisions will be emailed to CMOC members two weeks priorto the CMOC business meeting on the proposed action.
- A quorum of 51% of the members in attendance at the meetings is needed to approveany proposed revisions to the CMOC Guiding Principles
- The Guiding Principles will be presented at the business meeting annually to bereviewed and/or updated as needed in December.
Article VII. Approvals
- Final draft of Case Management Operating Committee Guiding Principles will be emailed to all committee members for review two weeks prior to the CMOC business meeting where the Guiding Principles will be officially approved.
- The Guiding Principles will be valid when adopted by the quorum (51% of the votes) from voting members in attendance at the meeting.
- Final draft must be signed by CMOC Co-chairs and the HAHSTA Liaison.
- CMOC members will be provided a final copy of the signed CMOC Guiding Principles.
- At the beginning of a new term – the CMOC Guiding Principles will be reviewed and approved or updated by the ELC will and will be signed by the by the CMOC Co- Chairs.
Article VIII. Adoption of the Case Management Operating Committee Guiding Principles