Generation Zero: Transformative Strategies to Reduce HIV Transmission in Youth

The Generation Zero: Transformative Strategies to reduce HIV Transmission in Youth webinar is designed to provide an in-depth exploration of innovative and effective strategies including comprehensive sexual education, community engagement, and the integration of technology in outreach efforts aimed at reducing HIV transmission and promoting viral suppression among youth.

Additionally, the course will highlight the importance of stigma reduction, mental health support, and access to healthcare services in fostering a supportive environment for young individuals. Participants will learn about best practices that address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by young people in the context of HIV prevention and treatment.

The HIV-STI Nexus: Exploring the Hidden Connection

The HIV-STI Nexus: Exploring the Hidden Connection session addresses how STIs can increase susceptibility to HIV and vice versa, making comprehensive screening essential for effective prevention and treatment. Experts will discuss the latest research on co-infection risks, the impact on patient health, and best practices for integrated screening and care.

This course is jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and HealthHIV.

Breaking Barriers: HIV Awareness, Prevention, and Advocacy for Black Women and Girls

Despite notable advancements in HIV prevention and treatment, Black women and girls continue to experience disproportionately high rates of HIV/AIDS, driven by distinct social, political, and structural factors that increase their vulnerability. This on-demand activity will explore these complex determinants and highlight effective strategies for raising HIV awareness, improving screening, and enhancing prevention efforts within Black communities. Participants will examine the crucial roles of healthcare providers, community leaders, and advocates in supporting HIV prevention tailored to the specific needs of Black women and girls. Additionally, they will gain the knowledge and tools needed to advocate for and implement equitable HIV prevention programs, contributing to a more inclusive and effective public health response.

PrEP and Doxy: Strategies for Prevention

The PrEP and Doxy: Strategies for Prevention Webinar offers an in-depth exploration of innovative HIV and STI prevention methods. It focuses on the combined use of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for HIV prevention and doxycycline as a potential pre and post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent certain bacterial STIs. Attendees will gain insights into the latest research and best practices for incorporating these strategies into prevention efforts.

This course is jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and HealthHIV.

This activity is intended for physicians, pharmacists, registered nurses, PAs, psychologists, social workers and other healthcare providers engaged in the care of patients with HIV.

Strategies for HIV Testing and Linkage to Care for People Experiencing Homelessness (PEH)

People experiencing homelessness or unstable housing face significant challenges in accessing and adhering to HIV care. These challenges often include delays in seeking care, inconsistent engagement with healthcare providers, and difficulties in adhering to HIV treatment. The complex interplay of housing instability with mental health disorders, substance use, and economic and food insecurity further complicates healthcare needs. This webinar will discuss the critical challenges and strategies involved in screening, diagnosing, and linking people experiencing homelessness to appropriate HIV care.

This course is jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and HealthHIV.

Empowering Black Women: Breaking Barriers with PrEP Across the Lifespan

Transgender and gender-diverse people seek preventive health care and health screenings less often than do other people due to a variety of factors including lack of insurance coverage, being refused care, difficulty finding a health care provider with expertise in transgender care or fear of discrimination in a health care setting. This webinar will address the need for accurate comprehensive data on transgender health, as well as how to provide specialized, culturally competent care to transgender individuals in a non-stigmatizing environment.


Jasmine Ford LPN, BA, HIV Care Services Clinical Coordinator, VDH

Earline Budd, Non Medical Case Management Specialist, HIPS


Sherri Meeks, Whitman-Walker

Tyree Williams, Brothers of Bonds

Kaniya Walker, Heart to Hand

Achim Howard, Trans Men Rising

Kym Gordon, Damien Ministries

La Fé en Acción: Empoderando a las Organizaciones de Fé Hispanas en la Prevención del VIH

En este curso se examinará la importancia y la necesidad de colaborar con grupos y organizaciones religiosas, especialmente en el entorno de la comunidad hispana. Se explorarán los grupos y organizaciones religiosos existentes centrados en la comunidad hispana en el área de Washington.  Se compartirán diversos recursos que servirán de base tanto para el proceso de evaluación personal como para el desarrollo de planes estratégicos de compromiso religioso personales u organizativos.  Al final de la formación, los participantes dispondrán de las herramientas necesarias para establecer relaciones de colaboración efectivas con diversos grupos y organizaciones religiosas con el fin de promover su labor de prevención del VIH.

Equity in Action: Empowering BIPOC Healthcare via Community Engagement and PrEP Advocacy

This webinar will discuss how to promote equity, improve access, and increase retention in HIV prevention and care among BIPOC communities. The faculty will identify barriers and dispel myths relating to PrEP use in BIPOC communities in order to encourage patients’ use of PrEP while emphasizing strategies for fostering a strong patient-provider relationship. Additionally, the faculty will describe innovative healthcare delivery methods and initiatives to improve patients’ knowledge of PrEP and to increase PrEP uptake.

Faith in Action: Empowering Hispanic Faith-Based Organizations in HIV Prevention

This course will discuss the importance and need for engagement with faith groups and organizations specifically within the Latino/a/x community. There will be an exploration of the existing Latino/a/x focused faith groups and organizations in the Maryland area.  Various resources will be shared that will inform both the personal assessment process as well as the development of either personal or organizational Strategic Religious Engagement plans.  At the conclusion of the training, participants will be armed with tools to effectively form collaborative relationships with diverse Latino/a/x faith groups and organizations in order to further their HIV prevention work.