PrEP: Preventing HIV in Women Across the Lifespan

PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV, yet PrEP use among women is very low. Barriers that women face include lack of awareness, negative experiences with providers, lack of confidence that providers know about PrEP, adherence to a PrEP regimen, and negative responses from partners.

This webinar will highlight the importance of engaging women in HIV prevention at each stage of life, including strategies for engagement and barriers to care.

Men’s Health: Your Health is Your Wealth

In most settings, men are less engaged in healthcare services and have worse health outcomes than women. Strategies aimed at engaging men in healthcare have proven effective. This webinar will provide an overview of common health issues among men, how to engage and empower men to take control of their health, and strategies to overcome barriers to care for men.


Tyris D. Ford, DNP, NP-C, FNP-BC
TNJ Direct Primary Care, LLC

Jerry Washington, Heart to Hand

Lawerency Boone, DC Health

Corrie Franks, Family Medical and Counseling Services

Pablo Moulden, Nova Salud

Engaging Youth in HIV Prevention and Care

This webinar provides an overview of developmental aspects of youth that are living with HIV/AIDS, including challenges and/or barriers to prevention, treatment, and medical adherence to care.