HIV and the Latino/a/x Community
Webinar Visit the Website

The Latino/a/x community is made up of diverse populations who often experience barriers to accessing equitable HIV care and services. This leads to poorer health outcomes and rates of retention in care among these populations. Culturally-responsive strategies can help providers break down systemic barriers in order to increase engagement in care.
This webinar will equip providers with a comprehensive understanding of Latino/a/x culture, the barriers to testing and access to care that Latino/a/x people encounter, and best practices for engaging this community in HIV services.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this session, you will be able to:
- Discuss the Latino/a/x demographic and the composition of the population.
- Identify the social determinants of health and their impacts on the Latino/a/x community when accessing HIV services.
- Describe best practices to create and develop new initiatives to reach the Latino/a/x community.
- Describe techniques to engage Latina women and girls in accessing HIV services, testing, and care.
NOTE: This session does NOT offer continuing education credits.
Faculty: Yelitza Lemoine, CAN Community Health