Nonprofit Financial Basics: Financial Oversight and Sustainability Related to Transitioning to Fee for Service Reimbursement
In-Person TrainingPowerPoint Download Files

As local healthcare funding moves from traditional grant models to fee-for-service, HIV organizations need to adapt their fiscal systems. Clinical, program, and fiscal managers are invited to an interactive workshop to build on the fiscal and financial management core skills discussed in the Part I and explore core budgeting strategies for fee for service.
This in-person training will explore key budget building skills and how budgets are important to financial health and sustainability. Participants will also discuss the transition from Grant-Based funding to Unit Cost-Based funding and how a “Unit of Service” funding model works. This training will also explore best practices to integrate this funding methodology into organizational fiscal and financial management systems and practices. Participants will conclude the training session with mini-case study examples that will help you vision unit cost applications and we will discuss advantages and challenges related to unit costs. Objectives include:
- Review a list of the top ten practices important to improving and enhancing fiscal and financial sustainability.
- Explore the 12 steps of effective budget building for nonprofit organizations.
- Discuss Effective Financial Messaging and how to develop a financial Dashboard.
- Overview the key differences between Grant-Based Funding model and Unit Cost-Based Funding model.
Throughout the training, participants will explore how unit costs work and how to perform unit cost analysis and its impact on budgets and planning and financial resources. Application advantages and challenges will be presented, and mini-case study examples will be used to demonstrate how unit costs are applied.