Ryan White Part A Fiscal Monitoring Standards (Webinar)


This webinar provided a comprehensive overview of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A Fiscal Monitoring Standards. This presentation covered the structure of the fiscal monitoring standards and the relationship between the direct recipient of RWHAP Part A funds and sub recipients/contracts. The presentation included an overview of the site monitoring process and the responsibilities of both the recipient and sub recipient, as well as the expectation of policies and procedures and documented evidence of compliance with the fiscal monitoring standards. The presentation concluded with a discussion of the components of the Fiscal Monitoring Standards.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the structure of the Fiscal Monitoring Standards
  • Identify the differences between a recipient, a sub-recipient, and a contractor
  • Discuss RWHAP Monitoring Requirements between a Recipient and a Sub-recipient
  • Identify the difference and expectations regarding policies and procedures
  • Describe the components of the Fiscal Monitoring Standards and required components for compliance

Rapid ART: Health Outcomes and Care Engagement (Webinar)


This webinar provided a high-level overview of the rationale for rapid ART initiation and the research showing improved health outcomes and patient engagement. Counseling, education and creating a clinic protocol for rapid ART are important considerations. There are also patient level factors why rapid ART might not be appropriate.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss evidence supporting rapid antiretroviral treatment (ART) for persons with HIV
  • Describe the recommended antiretroviral treatment for treatment-naive individuals and factors to consider when selecting an initial regimen
  • Understand recommended laboratory studies to obtain at baseline

Risk Reduction Counseling Techniques (Webinar)


This one-hour interactive webinar was designed to help health and human service providers gain knowledge and skills in risk reduction counseling using a stage-based behavioral counseling approach. The webinar covered 1) the theoretical background for a stage-based risk reduction counseling approach; 2) how to use the stages of change model; 3) how to choose target behaviors and assess readiness for change; and 4) stage specific interventions. HIV/STI/HCV prevention and care services is the lens through which participants examined risk reduction counseling techniques.


Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the basic concept behind the stages of change/trans-theoretical counseling model.
  • List the six stages of change.
  • Define target behavior.
  • Assess clients’ stage of readiness for change for target behavior.
  • Identify at least two stage specific interventions and the stage of change each applies to.

Community Mapping & Identifying Priority Populations for HIV Prevention and Care (Webinar)


This webinar explored how community mapping can enhance outreach programs for HIV prevention and care. Community mapping is a process of creating maps to gain a visual representation of community-specific data organized by geography.


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of a  community mapping tool for outreach programs
  • Describe how to use free tools for community assessment; Google Maps, Google Earth and, Google Fusion
  • Understand community assessment as an essential working tool for HIV prevention and care

Marketing and Branding to Increase Linkage to Care (Webinar)


This webinar provided a high-level overview of the concepts of marketing and branding. Branding is who you are and marketing is how you build awareness. A strategic combination of branding and the marketing tools will engage your target audience, build their trust, and open them to follow your advice. It will also drive them to your services that will allow you and your organization to link them, and keep them.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify and understand how to use marketing tools in the nonprofit business
  • Learn how defining your brand and building awareness around it will result in consumer loyalty
  • Understand how your mission, your uniqueness and your core values will engage your community around your organization and services

U=U: A New Approach to Ending the Epidemic (Webinar)


For years, public health officials sent the message that people with HIV who had an undetectable viral load could still transmit the virus.  With the groundbreaking results of the PARTNER study in 2016, that position has been reversed, and the new message is Undetectable = Untransmittable.

Some non-medical service providers may find it difficult to change the message they have been delivering to clients for years, so this webinar will arm them with the data they need to let clients know that there is overwhelming evidence that people who are virally suppressed cannot transmit HIV sexually.  This webinar covered how counseling clients about U=U can affect their sexual practices.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall early data suggesting that U=U, such as ACTG 076, the Rakai Project, and the Swiss Statement.
  • Describe how HTPN 052 and its later update affected the HIV community.
  • Describe the PARTNER study, its conclusions, and how it altered the HIV transmission message given in the 1990s and early 2000s.
  • Recall the Prevention Access Campaign, U=U Consensus Statement, and statements from the CDC, NIH, BHIVA, etc.
  • Describe the need for PARTNER2, its focus on same-sex behavior, and its confirmation of earlier studies.
  • Recall how U=U fits into local HIV planning and programs, including plans to End the Epidemic.
  • Discuss how to educate HIV-positive and negative clients about U=U and its place in HIV prevention.

Same-Day HIV PrEP (Webinar)


HIV PrEP is underutilized in the United States and strategies to increase PrEP uptake are needed. Same-day PrEP, or PrEP prescribed the day of the initial PrEP visit, is a promising model to engage individuals at risk of HIV into PrEP care. This webinar discussed reasons why to consider same-day PrEP and described a same-day PrEP study conducted at a STD clinic in Denver, CO. Common concerns and considerations specific to same-day PrEP implementation were addressed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss reasons to consider same-day HIV PrEP models
  • Describe a same-day PrEP study at a STD clinic in Denver, CO
  • List key components of same-day PrEP models
  • Address common areas of concerns with same-day PrEP

HIV Medication Adherence: Tips, Tools, and Techniques (webinar)

This webinar provided a high-level overview of the history of HIV and HIV meds.  There are many reasons why people with HIV may have challenges with adhering to their medications. This webinar covered some of those challenges and discussed methods for creating client-centered adherence plans through shared decision making.

Learning Objectives were:

  • Understand history of HIV meds
  • Discuss ART Basics
  • Describe Factors Associated with Poor ART Adherence
  • Create a client-centered adherence plan

Linkage to Syringe Exchange Programs in Washington, DC (webinar)


The District of Columbia Department of Health HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, STD and TB Administration (HAHSTA) approved and directed Needle Exchange Programs. This action was intended to reduce the numbers of people who inject drugs (PWID) who are infected with HIV in the District of Columbia and to increase the number of District PWID who know their HIV and Hepatitis C status, in addition to increasing access to care and treatment. This webinar discussed the three District of Columbia funded programs and how clients can access those programs.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the impact of Needle Exchange Programs in the District of Columbia
  • Define is Harm Reduction
  • List 3 different approaches to Syringe Services in the District of Columbia
  • Describe the effective continuum of care for Needle Exchange participants
  • Recognize how to contact District Programs

Building Sustainability Through Effective Partnerships (webinar)


This webinar highlighted the importance of strategic collaboration among partners in the field. Community based organizations (CBOs) learned the “Do’s and Don’ts” of effective partnerships. Further, CBOs began to identify how they add value to another organization to determine readiness for partnership. Examples of sustainable partnerships allowed participants to see how strategic alliances provide sustainability over time. Finally, organizations were encouraged to seek diverse funding opportunities so that they can leverage resources with potential partners.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of building sustainable partnerships
  • Identify the key principles in building partnerships
  • Identify the characteristics of a CBO that is ready for partnership
  • Describe effective partnerships
  • Identify external funding resources for financial sustainability