Preparing for a Ryan White/HRSA Site Visit

This webinar is designed to inform DC providers of the requirements of a Ryan White/HRSA site visit, as well as best practices for preparation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the requirements being assessed during a site visit
  • Demonstrate best practices to prepare for a HRSA site visit
  • Explain the components of a checklist to compile and print all relevant documentation prior to the site visit

Ryan White Grant Year 34 Part A and B Provider Meeting

HAHSTA’s Care and Treatment Division’s Ryan White Grant Year 34 Provider Meeting took place Thursday, February 15, 2024.

Meeting Agenda

11:00  – 11:05 am
Welcome & Updates
Avemaria Smith, Interim Chief, Care and Treatment Division

11:05 – 11:45 am
Part A and B Programmatic Overview
Ebony Fortune, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Manager, Care and Treatment Division 
Ekaji Osayande, Ryan White Program Officer, Care and Treatment Division
Princess Johnson, Ryan White Program Officer, Care and Treatment Division
Trammell Walters, Ryan White Part B Grant Manager, Care & Treatment Division

Q&A (5 Minutes)

11:50 am – 12:35 pm
Messay Zerga, Health Informatics Specialist, Care and Treatment Division
Julie Orban, Public Health Analyst/HIV Services Planner, Care and Treatment Division

Q&A (5 Minutes)

Courtney Middlebrooks, Quality Management Specialist, Care and Treatment Division

  • Quality Management improvement
  • Customer Satisfaction Survey and DC Quality Response Team 
  • Quality Deliverables 

Q&A (5 Minutes)

12:40 pm
Monique Brown, Grants Management Specialist, Financial Management and Administrative Division

  • EGMS
  • Use of DIFS

Q&A (5 Minutes)

1:00 pm

Session Recordings



About the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs Short Screener (GAIN-SS)

The purpose of using the GAIN-SS tool in general populations is to identify customers who would be flagged as having one or more behavioral health disorders and refer them for treatment. GAIN-SS screens out those without behavioral health disorders. Ryan White sub-recipients funded for Medical Case Management (MCM) and Non-medical Case Management (NMCM) are required to screen customers using the GAIN-SS or a HAHSTA approved alternate screening.

Women’s Health: Strength, Wisdom, and Courage

This on-demand webinar provides an overview of prevention and treatment interventions for women living with HIV in the DC area, including identification of social services that will help to eliminate barriers to care.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to:

  • Discuss qualitative data for development of population-based HIV interventions.
  • Explain HIV/STI trends among women in the DC area using surveillance reports.
  • Identify social barriers to HIV care for women.
  • Describe trauma informed approaches for women in HIV care.
  • Identify HIV support services available to women in DC.

Continuing education credits are available for this training.

Speakers: Ashley Coleman, Kate Drezner, Rosa Martinez, Daijah Tiffani Walters

TargetHIV Ryan White Library

TargetHIV maintains these topical collections of training and implementation tools for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

Guidance on Completing the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR)

The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Services Report (RSR) is a client-level data reporting requirement that monitors the characteristics of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts recipients, providers, and clients served. All Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts A-D-funded recipients and their contracted service providers (subrecipients) are required to report client-level data annually to the HIV/AIDS Bureau through the RSR.

HRSA Ryan White Program Grants

The HRSA Ryan White Program funds grants to cities, states, counties, and community-based groups to provide HIV care and treatment.

Identifying, Tracking, and Managing Ryan White Program Income (Fiscal Health Series)


This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) program income requirements; offer various examples of what qualifies as program income; explain how to track and monitor program income; and explain how to effectively plan and budget program income for service expansion.

Learning Objectives

    • Identify program income tracking and management requirements for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
    • Describe examples of program income generation
    • Discuss methods for tracking, monitoring, and spending program income
    • Review methods to plan for, budget and spend program income

Implementing a Schedule of Charges & Caps on Charges (Fiscal Health Series)


This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) requirements and expectations related to Schedule of Charges, imposition of charges, sliding fees schedule, and tools to help patients manage  out of pocket charges.

Learning Objectives

    • Identify the steps in client management: enrollment and eligibility, sliding fee scale and discount schedule, and cap on out-of-pocket charges
    • Describe the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) legislative requirements and program expectations as it relates to enrollment and eligibility, sliding fee scale and discount schedule, and cap on out-of-pocket charges
    • Design educational tools that can be provided to patients to assist in managing the sliding fee scale and cap on out-of-pocket charges