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Traditional Advertising
Traditional advertising refers to mass media that delivers commercial messages to mass audiences. Mass media is “paid media.” It includes television, radio, outdoor billboards and print media. Advertising’s goal is to drive sales of products and services through persuasive communication tactics that influence human behavior over the long term.
Early forms of advertising were priced and measured by volume. What is the newspaper readership? How many listeners does the radio station have? What is the viewership for that TV show? The answers to these questions led business to purchase advertising ads based mainly on how many people they could reach, rather than necessarily how many of the right people they could reach. They had to deduce when, where and how to get their message in front of their target audience- and then buy an ad in the physical space that best matched their assumptions.
Traditional advertising still works in combination with digital advertising for mass audiences and product awareness, but still in traditional advertising it is very difficult to calculate the return over investment, we still don’t know how many people in which demographic characteristics were actually engaged by the ads and how many of them actually followed a call to action after seeing the ads.