Grant Year 32 Provider Kick-off Meeting, Part A

Welcome to HAHSTA’s Care and Treatment Division’s Ryan White Grant Year 32 Part A Provider Kick-off MeetingWednesday, February 16, 2022. Click the links below for the meeting agenda, resources, and presentations.

Agenda & User Guide for the Meeting

> Part A Provider Kickoff Meeting Agenda February 16, 2022

> Meeting User Guide


Morning Presentations

Afternoon Sessions

Breakout Sessions

Fiscal Resources and Documents

Program Resources and Documents


MAI Information

Monitoring — Quality Documents


RSR Information

Ryan White Policies and Procedures

Ryan White Service Standards

Staffing Plan

Table A: Scope of Services

Work Plan Template

Monthly Progress Reporting Tool

Grant Year 32 Part A Provider Kickoff – Afternoon Session Part 1

GY 32 Part A Sub-Recipient Kick-Off Meeting
February 16, 2022

Needs Assessment and Integrated Plan Expectations for Providers
Leah Varga, PhD
HIV Services Planner, Care and Treatment Division

Ending the Epidemic
Shabeen Ally, PhD
Integrated Services Manager, Care and Treatment Division

Ashley Coleman, LICSW
Clinical Care Coordinator Program Manager, Care and Treatment Division

Grant Year 32 Part A Provider Kickoff – Program Management

GY 32 Part A Sub-Recipient Kick-Off Meeting
February 16, 2022

Health Standards
Christie Olejemeh, PhD, RN
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

GAINS Overview
Christie Olejemeh, PhD, RN
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

340B Overview
Tayiana J. Reed Pharm D., MS, AAHIVP, ACE, RPh
Chief of DC ADAP, Care and Treatment Division

Program Income Reporting Requirement
Christie Olejemeh, PhD, RN
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

Grant Year 32 Part A Provider Kickoff – Morning Session, Part 2

GY 32 Part A Sub-Recipient Kick-Off Meeting
February 16, 2022

GY 32 Grant Start Up

Monitoring Activities
Princess L. Johnson
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

Updated monthly progress reporting format
Robert Ridley
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

Provider Report Cards
Robert Ridley
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

Security and Confidentiality
Hodan Eyow, PhD MPH CPH
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

Grant Year 32 Part A Provider Kickoff – Quality and Data Management

GY 32 Part A Sub-Recipient Kick-Off Meeting
February 16, 2022

Data Management
Hodan Eyow, PhD MPH CPH
Public Health Analyst, Care and Treatment Division

Quality Management

Laura Setliff Whittaker DNP,MPH
Clinical Quality Improvement Specialist, Care and Treatment Division

CAREWare Plan and Updates
Messay Zerga
Health Informatics Specialist, Care and Treatment Division

Data to Action: Collaboration with Strategic Information
Kate Drezner, MPH
Epidemiologist, Strategic Information Division

Brittany Wilbourn, PhD, MPH
Epidemiologist, Strategic Information Division

Grant Year 32 Part A Provider Kickoff – Morning Session, Part 1

GY 32 Part A Sub-Recipient Kick-Off Meeting
February 16, 2022

Lena Lago, MPH
Interim Chief, Care and Treatment Division

Overview Discussion of Service Delivery in the COVID Context
Avemaria Smith
Interim Deputy Chief, Care and Treatment Division

Part A Programmatic Overview
Ebony Fortune, MPH
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Manager Care and Treatment Division

Insurance Requirements
Jennifer Prats, MPP
Grants Management Specialist Office of Grants Management