Digital Mapping Tool

Community Mapping & Identifying Priority Populations for HIV Prevention & Care

Tool description

If your organization wants to know where the underserved in your area live, work, or congregate, could you answer with confidence? Knowing where your target population is helps you focus and fine-tune your outreach programs

Having visually striking proof that your program is truly serving the community let’s others easily see the value of your work. Online applications now make it easier than ever to create and maintain a community map; a tool to track the geographical distribution of the underserved in your community along with your outreach efforts.

Community mapping is a process of creating maps to gain a visual representation of community-specific data organized by geography. It is an important tool for HIV prevention and intervention. For example, if we plug in the right data and mark these sites on the community map, it is possible to track where you or other staff has performed and plan to do outreach efforts. You can also track where your community needs your intervention. This allows you to efficiently direct your prevention efforts to the areas that most need them.

We will explore how community mapping can truly help your outreach programs for HIV prevention and how to use free tools that are available online. We will follow all the steps to create, enrich and share your maps with co-workers.


  1. Community Assessment
  2. Community Mapping
  3. Population at risk, where are they?
  4. Research and Data Collection
  5. Tools available for community mapping
  6. Google maps, Google Earth & Google Fusion
  7. Let’s Create our Own Map on Google Maps

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