Digital Mapping Tool

Tools available for community mapping

V.1. Mapline

Mapline is a cloud-based mapping platform that assists in building maps from spreadsheets and pasting it in the tool. Designed for academics, banking, insurance, manufacturing, retail and real estate industries, it helps manage growth opportunities and market risks by providing visual analysis on data within minutes.

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V.2. Tableau

Tableau is designed to make the most geographical data, so you can get the “where” as well as the “why.” With instant geocoding, Tableau automatically turns the location data and information you already have into rich, interactive maps with 16 levels of zoom.

More information at

V.3. eSpatial

eSpatial is a platform that allows you to target revenue growth, make cost reductions and improve customer service amongst others. All of your maps and analysis can be shared as live interactive maps or exported as images or raw data depending on your requirements. Geographic visual representations of your maps help others understand your reports and presentations much quicker than a table or graph.

More information at

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